
First EUniQ project pilot-assessment visit was conducted by AIKA and Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (SQAA) in mid-September. Aim of the visit was to evaluate the methodology created by project partners for assessing the European University Networks. The expert group assessed the university alliance EUTOPIA, which unifies universities from six European countries with the aim to produce challenge-driven research and teaching, prepare empowered European graduates, champion regional and international involvement, and support diversity, inclusivity and widening citizenship. Information gained from this and future visits will be used to improve this methodology to ensure comprehensive quality assurance of European University Networks. This supports the EUniQ project aim to develop a roadmap for quality assurance (QA) agencies, from a needs analysis to a developed QA methodology.

More about the EUniQ project – http://www.aic.lv/portal/en/par-aic/projects/euniq.

More information about the EUTOPIA university network – https://eutopia-university.eu/