In order to accredit the study direction, the higher education institution or college shall submit to AIKA an application on the accreditation of the study direction signed by the rector of the higher education institution or the director of the college, which has been prepared in compliance with the provisions specified in Paragraph 21 of Cabinet Regulation No. 793 of 11 December 2018.

The following shall be added to the application:

  • the documents submitted to AIKA for the assessment of the study direction;
  • the joint report by the experts group; and
  • the agreement on the assessment of the study direction concluded between the higher education institution or college and AIKA.

The Study Quality Committee shall take the decision by taking into consideration:

  • the joint report by the experts group;
  • the documents submitted by the higher education institution or college;
  • the information provided by the State Education Quality Service, and the opinion of the certification body and the Ministry of Defence (if any); and
  • other information available to the Study Quality Committee.

In compliance with Paragraph 29 of Cabinet Regulation No. 793 of 11 December 2018, the Study Quality Committee may take the decision to accredit the study direction for the period of six or two years, or refuse to accredit the study direction.

The individual evaluation for each study programme shall be indicated in the decision.